The MPO recently kicked off the development of the Bristol Multimodal Transportation Plan (MTP). The Bristol MTP will guide transportation decisions and investments across the Bristol region. The plan will be multimodal in nature and consider projects that serve vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, and include recommendations that support local transit and freight traffic.
We need your input!
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally mandated regional agency charged with carrying out a region's transportation planning processes. MPOs are required in all urbanized areas with populations over 50,000.
The Bristol MPO study area contains five jurisdictions: the City of Bristol, TN, the City of Bristol, VA, Abingdon, VA, parts of Sullivan County, TN, and parts of Washington County, VA.
The Bristol MPO provides administration of transportation grants, long-range transportation planning, and coordination with the Executive Board to program federal transportation funds. The MPO works jointly with the State Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Transit Administration to administer the local transportation planning process. The MPO also strives to provide technical assistance to member jurisdictions in the pursuit of state and federal transportation funding beyond the programmed transportation funds.