As Elizabethton’s transportation system matures, it’s important to make the most of the system we have. Often, that means using Transportation System Management & Operations strategies – called TSMO (pronounced “tizmo”) for short. These types of projects help us get the most bang for our buck by using signal technology and low-cost design treatments to alleviate congestion, resulting in better system performance.

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Traffic Signal Technology

A traffic signal has the primary task of assigning right-of-way to the different movements at an intersection in a safe and efficient manner. Today’s modern signalized intersections are complex, but the below diagram outlines a few of the basics.

How Traffic Signal Coordination Works

Traffic Signal Coordination is the synchronization of traffic signals along a street in order to minimize stops and delays.

Signal coordination is an innovative component of managing traffic flow efficiently on our roadways. It involves synchronizing traffic signals along a corridor to ensure that vehicles can move smoothly through multiple intersections with minimal stopping. This helps to reduce travel times, decrease fuel consumption, and improve overall traffic safety.

When traffic signals are well-coordinated, they create a "green wave," where drivers can travel through a series of green lights without having to stop frequently. This is especially beneficial during peak traffic hours when congestion is at its highest. By timing the lights to match the natural flow of traffic, the City of Elizabethton can make your commute quicker and less stressful.

The current study is focused on improving the signal coordination along key routes in Elizabethton. We are looking at ways to adjust the timing of lights to better accommodate the actual traffic patterns and needs of our community.

While traffic signal coordination cannot entirely eliminate red lights, it is effective in reducing stops and delays and improving the flow of traffic on major streets.

Signal Timing for Pedestrian Crossing

Pedestrian timing for crossing at signalized intersections is calculated to ensure that pedestrians can cross safely and efficiently.

By considering the below factors, traffic engineers ensure that pedestrian signals provide sufficient time for all pedestrians to cross the street safely, accommodating various walking speeds and crosswalk lengths. This careful calculation helps enhance pedestrian safety and optimize the flow of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic at intersections.