The Anderson County Highway Department was awarded a grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to conduct a safety planning study under the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Initiative.
This study is an extension of a previously completed Regional Roadway Safety Action Plan conducted for the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) planning area. The TPO Planning Area covers only a portion of Anderson County including the cities of Clinton, Oak Ridge and Oliver Springs so the Anderson County Highway Department officials requested funding to expand the study area to include the remaining portions of unincorporated Anderson County along with the cities of Norris and Rocky Top.
Roadway crash data will be collected and analyzed covering the same 5-year timeframe from 2016 through 2021 as the TPO Regional Roadway Safety Action Plan in order to determine areas of high crash incidence as well as where the most severe crashes are occurring which result in deaths and serious injuries. These locations will be reviewed to determine the risk factors and potential countermeasures that can be applied to reduce crashes and save lives. The final result will be identification of specific recommendations and projects that can be submitted for future rounds of SS4A Implementation Grant funding opportunities.
This webpage will allow the Highway Department to post information and updates as the study progresses. Below is a timeline of major study milestones leading towards an expected completion date by Spring 2025. A public meeting/workshop is being planned for early next year so stay tuned for further details and an announcement of the date and location. In the meantime, please share your input on any safety concerns you have on Anderson County roadways by using the Interactive Safety Map.
Timeline item 1 - incomplete
Crash Data Collection & Analysis
- Data Analysis
- Equity Integration
- Risk Factor Analysis & Crash Profiles
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Recommendations Development
- Prioritization of Recommendations
- Crash Hot Spot Identification
- Development of Recommendation Framework
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Action Plan
- Draft Plan
- Final Plan